Business Unlocked: Exploring the landscape after lockdown - Emmaus Rd

Business Unlocked: Exploring the landscape after lockdown

Business Unlocked: Exploring the landscape after lockdown


8:00pm - 9:30pm
(view map)


Are you wondering about work, life and faith and how to adapt to the new landscape?’

We will be hosting a panel discussion aimed at those in the workplace to discuss what this new unlocked landscape might look like and how we might respond to the challenges and opportunities.

Join Pete Greig as he interviews Ken Costa, James Thomas and Rachel Bower and hear a keynote from each of them.  This will be followed by some time for Q&A.

Book your free spot for this online panel  here.



Pete Greig is a best-selling author, pastor and founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement which has reached more than half the nations on earth. He is also the Senior Pastor of Emmaus Rd, an Ambassador for the NGO Tearfund, and teaches at St Mellitus Theological College in London.

Rachel Bower is an experienced consultant advising companies on all aspects of corporate communications, reputation management and campaign strategy.  Some of the companies Rachel has advised are F1, Microsoft and UPS.  She also chairs the Emmaus Rd Board of Trustees.

Ken Costa has worked in investment banking for over 40 years, and now runs his own consulting firm. In 2016, he was nominated as one of the top 5 deal advisors of the last twenty years in Europe. Ken is passionate about people, and particularly young people as they enter the workplace. He has written two books, God at Work and Know your Why. He has been involved at HTB for over 40 years, where he preaches regularly.

James Thomas is a founder of Phoenix Equity Partners, a private equity firm. Until 2018, he was a Managing Partner at which point he went part time in order to spend more time on his charitable interests. Ten years ago, having been impassioned about the issue of modern day slavery, James and his wife Julia backed a small group of professionals working in India to form Justice and Care.  Today it has front line operations in Europe and South Asia.
