Holiday Club - Emmaus Rd

Holiday Club

Holiday Club


9:30am - 3:30pm
The Founders Studio
(view map)

Upcoming dates


Each summer we hold our 3-day Summer Holiday Club where we play loads of games, do lots of craft, go on awesome trips, learn about Jesus and just have a tonne of fun. It’s a great way for kids to get together over the summer, spend some time with their friends and make lots of new ones too.

The Holiday Club is for any kids who are going into year 1-6 after the summer break. There’s a cost of £10 per day per child, but if money is a problem, please just get in touch. When you book be sure to select the correct amount of days you want to book your kids for. We will provide snacks during the day but please send your kids with a packed lunch.

To book on click here.

For further information

Contact Kids Team

The Founders Studio - Millbrook, Surrey, Guildford, GU1 3UT, UK