Rachel Slade

Rachel Slade

Rachel has been a part of the Emmaus Rd family for nearly four years. After seeing and hearing about the refugee crisis on the news she travelled to Athens to see first hand what the situation was like.

The local churches and people expressed their great need for healthcare teaching amongst the refugees, women trapped in exploitation and with local churches. I witnessed stories of isolation, hopelessness and people trapped by fear. Many have not met Jesus yet.

In September 2019 Rachel will be going out to Athens, initially for two years with OM (Operation Mobilisation) to work alongside the local ministries, using her nursing skills to see the current needs and give relevant teachings for the refugees and exploited woman.


What to pray for:

  • Language learning, that I can communicate well with the community, building up relationships with the people.
  • Health, protection and provision.
  • For the Muslim community to come to know Jesus’ love for them.
  • Good relationships with the team I will be working with and also with the local churches.