Need essential emergency supplies or any other practical assistance?
For practical help please see Many thanks
We offer free money advice and courses in conjunction with Community Money Advice to help with budgeting and debt relief - pls contact them for details [email protected]
The Love Your Neighbour Fund exists to give grants those who struggling financially. If you have a specific need, we may be able to help you. Please click to apply
The application form has moved to Many thanks
Do you know someone who could do with a bit of encouragement? Why not nominate them to receive a bundle of encouraging letters from our Positive Post team? Hit the button below to nominate someone, and if you’d like to join the Positive Post team or get some more information, email [email protected].
Positive Post is taking a break and not open for new referrals at the moment. Many apologies. .
Teams will receive appropriate training and all usual safeguarding policies and procedures will be observed. Email [email protected] for more information. Please note, the well-being of our staff, volunteers and those in our care is our number one priority. We continue to closely follow government advice regarding social distancing.